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The FlatFace Team consists of fingerboarding friends from around the world who spread the love of fingerboarding through talent and personality. We are proud to present our team:
The FlatFace Team consists of fingerboarding friends from around the world who spread the love of fingerboarding through talent and personality. We are proud to present our team:

Active Team:
Adrian Witzel

Alex Gill

Alex Rogan
Berta Gutierrez Diaz

Chris Daniels

Chris Kraft 

Chris Petranek

Cody Zehner 

Doug Bodkin 

Gary Chin 

Harald Schon
Henry Hochhauser
Ian Mulet
Jackson Speets
James O'Neill

Jay Linehan

Jeldo Ulpts

Jesse Braun

Joel Hartnett

John Cowart
Mike Schneider
Miguel Buzon

Ramon Angelow
Rodrigo Guerrero

Ross Landenberger

Scott Biesboer
Stefan Lundberg

Sid Pereira

Tim Alexiel 

Tim Hurley

Zac McLean

Zeph Pendleton

Legacy Team:
Andre Coral
Brandon "Darkwood" Sentnor
Chris Deso
Daniele Commuzi 

Dimitar Kanev
Ed Garner

Ethan Ebeling
Josiah Hoff

Lukas Junk 

Maggie Nadeau
Matt Lieber 

Max Bravo
Max Oddo
Paolo Melillo 

Pat McGinn
Peach, formerly known as Matty Taylor
Ryan Yagermanjensen

Sam Aronie
Sean Witman
Taylor Rosenbauer
Tim Putz
Victoria Wisner


We are currently not sponsoring additional riders.

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